Saturday 27 June 2020

The Benefits of Having an Extensive Vocabulary

I’m sure you would have met pretentious specimens who love to pontificate pompously, rendering themselves odious to us common folk — this post is not about them.

Have you ever wanted to say something — something that you could only feel and did not have the words to express, resulting only in a breakdown of communication and lasting frustration? Have you ever felt as if you say the same thing over and over again — in exactly the same words — and that your existence is defined by those few words that you repeat all the time? Then this post is for you.
This article would like to address the common reader, who goes about life in the most ordinary way, doing ordinary things. There may have been times when the reader would have liked to express herself, something that she felt, but lacked the words to do so - leading to a breakdown in communication, and resultant frustration. It is as if her life is limited and her experiences are restricted to those words in which she feels capable of describing them.
This was something hypothesised by George Orwell, in his work, 1984, that language constructs reality. This essay would like to take that one step further, and analyze how this constructed reality could be further diversified with an enlarged vocabulary.
Consider the English language. It has been blessed, during its developmental stage, by receiving multiple synonyms for the same word from various languages, which eventually took on different connotations. This allows the speaker to sprinkle their discourse with nuances and shades of meaning - conveying meaning in a fashion that is more precise. This can happen only when the speaker possesses this linguistic knowledge. This benefit is not limited to the English language, since it addresses the link between language and expression.
Language is a repository of culture. So it follows that the more extensive the vocabulary, the deeper the knowledge of the culture that the language corresponds to. Exposure to various facets of a culture expands the mind, and refines it.
Again, the inference one could draw from this, is that a diversification of vocabulary would enlarge one’s worldview.
These are but two obvious benefits, capable of subtle, yet positive influence. With more thought and study, one can easily find more. Though these words might seem to be too elaborate to be a matter of daily usage, getting acquainted with them is not something a speaker would regret. Having the perfect thing to say might come in handy, once in a while. In one way or the other, it is an improvement, if only to aesthetically spice up the mundaneness that one comes into contact with in adult life.
That said, one doesn’t want to turn into the person mentioned in the first paragraph, for obvious reasons. Unless, of course, the reader wishes to take tea at a select club, with her pinky finger held at an angle of ninety degrees from the tea cup.
Get your brain working and beat Alzheimer’s, unleash your creativity, do whatever you like, as long as you don’t turn into Mr. Collins, polishing a bombastic turn of phrase to impress a Miss Elizabeth, who far from appreciating the niceties of your conversation, gets put off and runs away from your proposal.

Tuesday 12 May 2020

Six Things I've Learnt From Writing The Legend of Arianna

Here are six things I've learnt during the course of writing my first book, The Legend of Arianna:

1. Writing is hard work. 

I knew that before I started, of course, but in a vague, misty way, where it didn't interfere with my reality. It only hit me after I became serious about it - that was about seven chapters in.

2. Editing and querying is even harder

Editing is nitpicky work, especially if you do it by yourself, and preparing submission packages is tiresome, since each publisher requests a specific one according to their requirements. No effort goes waste, however, since at the end of it, you are left with a brand new baby book.

3. It scares you, and that's a good thing.

Managing a story that's any longer than 55k words with multiple plotlines is like changing a diaper for a 20-foot tall wriggling baby. You know you'll get kicked in the face at least twice, but if you want to finish your job, you buckle up and do it, no matter how terrified you are.

4. There's a lot of guilt involved.

There are days when you slack off when you know you shouldn't. It's okay to rest up in between, you know that, but there is a niggling feeling of being too self-indulgent, especially when you're behind on your writing schedule. You know you can produce more. Somewhere deep down, you know you can write better.

5. Anxiety, anxiety, anxiety!

Does this word go here? Have I spelled it right? What am I thinking? I don't know how to write a book! What am I even doing? They're going to hate it. Nobody would want to read this stuff. What if my friends are just being nice not to hurt my feelings?
It's okay to feel these once in a while. Just don't get bogged down by them, so much so you develop a mental block, and never sit down to write again.

6. Writing is beautiful

When you write, you breathe through your words. You create. You destroy. You get to live a whole new life, go on a new adventure, and better yet, share it with your readers. Only creating a work of art can make you feel things you never thought possible.

In the end, writing becomes a habit, a familiar face you see everyday. If a day goes by without it, it feels like something is missing. Being a writer is hard, but not being one is harder.

Sunday 24 November 2019

The Importance of Being Earnest

It is a truth universally acknowledged that insincerity of feeling on the part of the author can be detected with a close reading of the text.

Why is it so important for the author to mean what they say, especially when they could create a perfectly good piece without it?

Words have power - this is a maxim that is oft repeated, yet relatively ignored when it comes to writing. Attracting the attention of the reader, keeping it is important - but what is vital is to be sincere about what one wishes to express through that particular piece.

Sincerity of feeling, thought, and expression, is indispensable if the author wishes to make a connection with the reader. The universality of a text is always called into question, because of its specifics - because truth is no more a singularity and is relative from person to person. No matter how alien the culture, or incomprehensible the subject, it is the earnestness of the author in speaking their mind, expressing that particular feeling, their attempt to persuading the reader to believe what they wish to make them believe, that makes it ring true for the reader.

Intensity, especially in writing, is not a bad thing if used properly. There is a tendency in the present day, to portray a sense of vulnerability, of failure, of shortcoming, in order to gain attention, especially on social media. This is an instance of misuse - specifically, overuse, for the wrong reasons. Here, one finds an intensity of expression, of words, meant to evoke certain feelings in the reader, but where none of the author are present.

It is up to the reader to judge where she finds the author to be earnest, and where the author pretends to be earnest. A work of literature is a contract between author and reader - and it is the duty of the author to fulfill her part, by being sincere in what she wants to convey through her writing.

Thursday 21 November 2019

Life is Meaningless - and Why That's a Good Thing.

If I told you that you had a purpose, and that all you had to do in life was work towards that, and that only, how would you feel? Or, consider this. You've geared your entire life towards fulfilling that specific objective you were put on earth to accomplish, and you finally managed to achieve your goal. How do you feel? You're elated! Why wouldn't you be? You've just finished doing the one thing that gives you a sense of purpose, gives you meaning. Now what? Emptiness. There's nothing left for you now but to contemplate oblivion.

That is not a future you'd like to imagine. I believe that we are creatures without any purpose on this earth. If we were, we'd be doing a horrible job of what we were supposed to. I mean, how many of us actually do what makes us feel happy? How many of us choose not to go against the grain, and fall in with everyone else?

If, instead of the previous scenario, I told you that there was no higher meaning to life, no great plan, how would that make you feel? Terrible. At first, you would feel lost, directionless, the same feeling you had when you were a teenager, facing life for the first time with your entire future ahead of you, with no concrete box you could fit yourself into. Yes, that would feel terrible - but - that also means you have choices.

If there's no specific thing you're born to do - no specific person you were meant to be, that is  the greatest gift of all - Freedom. This is the one sole thing that humans have worked towards after centuries of oppression, and now that it is within arm's reach, we're afraid. What if it doesn't taste as good as we imagined it should? Well, you'll never know if you don't try.

If there's no one thing we're supposed to be, if there's no one single plan to life that we're supposed to follow like an instruction manual - what does that mean for us? That means - we get to live life according to our choices. There's no pattern card to base life upon - so why not create your own principles and systems to live according to? Some people are highly critical of this mindset. According to them, there's no better formula for anarchy. This idea has been around for a long time - and it still hasn't given rise to a full scale revolution yet - I think we would be the better for it if there were to be one.

The freedom that this idea gives is intoxicating. It had seized hold of our imaginations in the past - but why have we let go of it, and settled for an easier path? We've gone back to our old ways - the path of least resistance, where we don't have to think, don't have to act, where we have a secure job from nine to five, bread on the table and a roof over our heads.

Now, these are things I'm not saying we should do without, but, why be a passive recipient of fate? If one chose to do those things - planning out life in an orderly fashion - get married, have kids, work, retire and die - at least let that be a choice, instead of simply doing things just because they are things which are usually done in the usual scheme of things. If one chooses to live life differently, wonderful. That is up to the concerned individual, and nobody else's business.

The thing I'd like to point out here is, choice. We have choices - nothing is forced upon us. If we live life passively, letting things happen, that is a choice. We could have dealt with things differently, but we chose not to - that is a choice as well. If we chose not to react, or if we chose to do just the opposite, that is a choice.

Life is inherently meaningless - that is a chant that has been taken up in the modern era - one that existed long ago, and whose echo is heard again, now and then through the ages. This is nothing but a cry for freedom - the freedom to do what we like, and the freedom to take responsibility for our own actions, or the lack of them. This mindset is incredibly freeing - we are no longer held prisoner at the the hands of anything - society, culture, tradition, or education. We are free to forge the paths we would like to walk on. We are free. 

Wednesday 13 November 2019

A Sneak Peek Into The Legend of Arianna

Thank you for your overwhelming response to my last post! As a gesture of gratitude, I'd like to offer you a glimpse of the story - the entire first chapter - for your personal reading, which shall not be removed even after The Legend of Arianna is published.

So, here goes! If you like it, at the end of the chapter, I will provide the link to the next chapter, currently available for public reading on Wattpad (until the last few chapters are completed - and will continue to be, at least till the end of this year, so do not worry.)

Chapter One

Alyssa timidly crawled on to my bed. It was a stormy night. She had the greatest fear of thunderstorms. Ever since we were children, when lightning started to flash, I knew that I'd wake up the next morning to find her in my bed. It was laughable, almost. The Queen of Wilerna, First Woman of the South, frightened by the sound of thunder. If someone found out, someone outside of the close circle of guards and maids we could trust, she would be publicly shamed. She was nineteen years old, old enough to be a mother twice over. At least that is what our brother said. 
Tonight was no different from any other rainstorm. However, it was one that would change my life forever. That night, I felt her tug the sheets and snuggle into me. Half asleep, I enjoyed the added warmth and drifted back into a deep slumber. 
The dawn came too quickly. With it, came the news of a tragedy. Loud voices brought me to the edge of wake and sleep. 
"Queen Alyssa! Milady, it is time to prepare."
 A scream startled me out of my dreams. Hysteric maids and a footman, hearing the scream rushed in to find Alyssa's personal maid, Gertrude, lying on the floor, crumpled up in a heap. Still groggy from sleep, it took me time to realize that my sister hadn't woken up. 
"Alyssa," I said, and gently laid a hand on her back to shake her awake. 
She was ice. I didn't understand. 
The healer, summoned in a hurry, gently pushed me out of the room. I was passed to another maid. 
"Your Majesty," she said, "Would you like some hot brew?"
Her words sank in. She called me 'your majesty', not 'your grace'. Alyssa was dead. I was the new Queen. I, the spare girl-child, second in line to the throne, was now Queen of all that lay south of the Shadowlands. 
"I need to see her."
The maid looked at me sympathetically. 
"Your Majesty, you need to prepare to be in mourning. Shall I fetch you your blue clothes?"
The mention of blue clothes sent me over the edge. It wasn't all that long since I had lost my father. It had been less than a year since I had worn them last, clothes the colour of the sky, the final resting place of the ancestors. Now Alyssa was one of them.
"I need to see my sister!"
"You cannot, your Majesty," said the maid, "They are preparing her for her rites."
I sank down in a chair. I never saw her again after that. The maid had her way and dressed me in mourning clothes, the hems of which had to be taken out. 
"You've grown. You'll do well."
I could not cry in front of her. No one in my family did, except when they were alone. behind closed doors. The last time someone had seen me cry, was when I was too young to spell my name. 
"Queen-in-waiting, Her Majesty, Lady Arianna!"
The guard announced me to the court of ministers. One by one, they sought my audience, and discussed their business with me. None of this was new to me. I had often sat in court at my sister's side. I had never thought I'd be here alone, without her. 
Our mother had died in childbirth. Alyssa had been only three years old. We had an infant queen on the throne. I remembered father telling me how he had to lift her into her seat. She sat there everyday, watching, learning, as our father conducted the business of the land. She had been forced to grow up soon. At the age of six, she handled simple cases, under the guidance of our father. At the age of nine, she managed almost everything as he sat and observed.
One of my earliest memories of them both was sitting on father's lap, playing with the lace on his sleeve as Alyssa talked to ministers. They loomed over her, large down pillows with covers made of brocaded lace and silk. Without exception they were old and paunchy. 
"Lady Arianna."
The next minister was waiting for my attention.
"You may come forward."
He bowed deep, and outstretched a hand holding a scroll.
"Your Majesty, this is the agriculture report for this harvest."
"Have you brought last years so that I may compare?"
"Yes, Milady."
He beckoned to one of his lackeys, who brought the scroll.
I surveyed them with foreboding. 
"This year's harvest is only a third of what we had the year before."
"The treasury will not suffer a lost, Milady, I shall have the peasants taxed promptly."
I threw down the scroll in anger. 
"They won't have enough food this year from the bad harvest, and you say tax them? With what money will they pay off the collectors? Are they supposed to starve?"
"Milady -"
"Are you looking to start off a peasant mutiny?"
"No, Milady, but -"
"You may be seated. Bring this back to me with a proper solution. Take no further step till I approve of it." I turned to the guard standing beside the throne, "Bring the next one!"
The ministers decided that they did not have any further business to conduct today. I rose from the throne with a gnawing feel in my belly, not for food, but for comfort. Did all Queens feel this lonely?
Food turned to ash in my mouth. I ate little, and did not taste what I did eat. For the first time in a long while, I was alone at the great table. There was a great deal of finery. The chandeliers had not been lit, in deference to Alyssa's passing, neither were the flowers changed, yet, the room was the picture of splendour.
There were crystal plates and jugs, gold utensils to eat with, silk towels, the tablecloth embroidered with silver thread, a great fire roaring in the hearth, and yet, none of it held a trace of warmth. 
All Queens begin their reign in grief. I knew that. That was one of the first lessons taught to us. No Queen could ascend the throne while her predecessor lived. My sister was dead. It was time to take my place at the head of the kingdom. The rites were scheduled for tomorrow evening, and my coronation, immediately afterwards. 
Midnight tomorrow, all of Wilerna would welcome its new Queen.  
If you enjoyed this excerpt of my upcoming novel, please help support it by leaving comments and stars on the chapters you liked. That can be done by creating a free reader account on Wattpad (a one minute job). Thank you, once again.
I hope you have a nice day!

Friday 25 October 2019

The Legend of Arianna

Good day to you once again!

Those of you who follow me on social media might have seen this picture posted on my accounts. What is The Legend of Arianna all about? Where would you be able to read it? Why did I start writing this novel?

First of all, before answering your questions, I would like to mention that the picture credits for the portrait of the model go to Anthony Joseph Photography. The photograph was sourced from Pinterest, which my friend Sunil Joshua then helped edit.

Okay, so now we get down to business.

What is The Legend of Arianna?

The Legend of Arianna is a Wattpad novel which I am in the process of writing. It can be found here. The plot of the novel follows a young princess as she journeys across countries in order to escape a false charge laid on her, and discover the true perpetrator of the crime, while finding friends along the way - only to realize that there is a lot more at stake that she had initially imagined. Sounds a lot like other plots you've read before?

Not really. The Legend of Arianna is different in its approach to writing - instead of having either a character-driven story or a solely plot driven one, the novel synthesizes both approached to give you a blended, more realistic narrative.

There's plenty of foreshadowing, and going back-and-forth, perfect for those readers who like to keep guessing, and re-reading to find clues in previous chapters.

It also explores questions of sexual orientation, race and power politics, if the deeper side of fantasy fiction interests you. At the same time, for readers who aren't too interested in the nitty-gritty details of a new world, there's plenty of action, plot-twists, mystery and romance, to keep up their interest. Something for everyone!

For those who are willing to wait, I plan to publish it as a paperback sometime in the near-future. At that time, I shall update you on the details of where to find it, and the available formats. Those who don't mind reading a manuscript in its first draft, please go ahead and click on this link! This is my author page in Wattpad, where you can also find my other works in progress. Feel free to leave a star/comment (or both) on the chapters you like!

Why did I start writing The Legend of Arianna?

Initially, I never meant for Arianna to be such a fully-fleshed out work. It all began back in 2014, when I had a vague idea for a novel, where a princess runs away from home to be a gypsy. Slowly, the idea began to take shape. Each time I thought about it, there was more to it. Finally, when I wrote out the plot, it seemed to be to fantastic to be put down on paper. I started writing it many times, but it never made sense. I abandoned it in a file labelled as 'Writing' which sat untouched on my laptop for years.

Eventually, I had more and more ideas for stories. I never could seem to sit down and write beyond the first few pages of anything. I used to write half a chapter at most, before abandoning it for the next one. It was only when I found out about Wattpad that this changed.

Wattpad is a platform that allows you to publish stories online, chapter by chapter. I did not want to start with the story that was in my head at that time. I had no idea how to write a full length novel, so I chose to go with Arianna as a practice story. I started writing The Legend of Arianna in order to learn how to write - in order to prove to myself that I could give myself a commitment and keep it.

For this, I've been keeping a track of every little milestone - 10 chapters, 10,000 words, the completion of the first quarter, 25,000 words, and so on ... It has been a really rewarding journey. In the process of writing, I discovered a lot of things about myself - and also what I really want in life.

This has been a process of creating, learning and growing, and I would not change one bit of it. I have learned how to give up, and then go back and undo whatever it was that made me feel like giving up. I learned how not to sink in the face of negative judgement. Most of all, I learned how to believe in myself as an artist, and trust my creative process.

It has been an amazing journey, and I am really glad that I decided to take up writing.

That is all for today, and I shall see you soon!

Monday 21 October 2019

The Wolf in the Mountains

In the last post, I said that I would be talking a bit about my works. This is my first published book of poetry, and therefore very close to my heart. I created every bit of it, right from the picture of the wolf on the cover, to the poems inside. Therefore, I have the right to say that this book is my baby - my eldest child.

The questions you may probably be wanting to ask are - what is a haiku, and why write haiku?

Haiku are 17-syllable poems, written in three lines, with a syllable count of 5-7-5. Of course, the English Haiku is very different from its Japanese cousin, due to the cultural and linguistic differences between the languages. All we've done is retain the structure of the Haiku, and altered the content to create something that has elements of both what is modern and traditional.

Why write Haiku? The Haiku is a complex form, and not very easy to master - since one has to get the syllable count right to begin with, and after that comes the expression of the idea, or creation of a word-picture. It is much easier to do this in a poem that has less restriction on size and form, which gives more space to develop an idea. This challenge itself is what makes a Haiku interesting to write. One cannot waste words. Ideas and images have to be condensed to form something that is whole. Once you get the hang writing Haiku, the simplicity, the beauty of the form hooks you in, and other forms of poetry seem superfluous, with their extraneous words - compared with the compactness of the Haiku.

If my words don't convince you of the beauty of the Haiku, perhaps my poetry will. Here's where you can find copies of my book - The Wolf in the Mountains.

1. Kindle - (India) :
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    Kindle (UK) -

2. Paperback (USA) -
    Paperback (UK) -

(Kindly note, Paperbacks are not available in They will have to be sourced from or

You can also check out my website -

Or email me on

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Cheers :D